Passover, Massachusetts
Passover, Massachussets april 2014.
This year we were invited to a friends’ house to celebrate “Passover”, and decided to bring two bottles of wine for the occasion.
The first one was the typical wine for Passover; Manischewitz. This is a kosher wine, meaning that it has been produced following the Jewish law and blessed by a Rabi. It is an inexpensive wine (around $5,00) and not very good, but I like it because its unique sweet flavor characteristic of the Concord grape. Also this wine pairs well with the typical dish for this day called “Haroset”, that is made with apples, walnuts, lemon juice and dates.
Next, with the typical “Matza” Ball Soup we opened a bottle that I brought to the USA. A red Spanish wine from Magallon, Zaragoza, D.O. Campo de Borja. Being 100% Syrah: Aliana Carácter, ($12,00) it is smooth and elegant. Aliana Carácter is made by Alicia and Ana (Ali-Ana), the two daughters of Susan Ruberte, director of Bodegas Ruberte.
With the main dish of meat, pasta, green beans and “horseradish” we opened a bottle of Kunde ($35,00). This is a good wine that our hosts had brought from Sonoma Valley. Somebody told me that the secret of finding good wines is to know that they are not found in the stores because the producers keep them, and sell them themselves. I’m not sure if this is true, but it makes some sense.
The typical dessert is “Mandle bread” a type of cookie with cinnamon that I loved. To go with it was a bottle of Port from California. Selby ($27,00) is a young Zinfandel fortified wine that will age well and it was very enjoyable.
In summary, this was a really nice meal with good food, and wine, and with people that even though not religious, maintain the tradition as a connection to past generations, who got together in this day to celebrate the end of slavery of the Jewish people.
Falk & Marques